Elevate Your Health with MICC Skinny Shot Injections


Enhance your wellness regimen with MICC (Skinny Shot) injections at Sloan Aesthetics. These injections are a blend of essential nutrients that support your overall health and vitality.When combined with dietary and exercise modifications, Lipotropes can support the fat breakdown and promote weight loss. Skinny Shot benefits you and brings you a step closer to achieving your ideal body and feeling confident in your skin. The Power of MICC: Each component plays a vital role in boosting metabolism, aiding in fat loss, and enhancing energy levels.

Personalized Treatment Plans

Our wellness experts will assess your health needs and recommend a tailored MICC injection plan.

Client Experiences

Many of our clients report feeling more energized and noticing an improvement in their overall wellness.

Continued Wellness Support

We provide ongoing support and advice to help you maintain optimal health and benefit from your MICC injections. To begin your journey towards improved health with MICC injections, contact Sloan Aesthetics in Scottsdale at (602) 702-3253.


$60 Per Shot

Bundle of 8 for $400

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